Friday, June 07, 2013





  若你從「東邊畫廊」的東邊盡頭開始逛這段圍牆遺跡,第一眼看見的可能不是圍牆本身的塗鴉作品,而是幾乎與圍牆連貫的大字“Yaam must survive in Berlin City!”(英語原文)Yaam這個場所與柏林其他Clubs不同,最初為青年非洲藝術家場地,漸演變成老幼咸宜的聚腳點,除了音樂表演外,甚至有足球和籃球玩。它高呼要生存,是因為一家建築公司正計劃收購它所在的地段。


  三十四歲的Lutz Leichsenring是最近這場保衞圍牆運動的活躍成員,這位業餘玩結他的年青人9年前就開設了自己的Club,經營6年後賣掉,但繼續在這圈子行走,還做了行業團體Club Commission的發言人。跟因為討厭地產商勢力而參予抗爭的那群示威者不同,Lutz說,他們搞Clubs的都是生意人,保衞東邊畫廊並不為打倒「地產霸權」,更不為打倒資本主義,而是認為圍牆孕育着的創意空間才是柏林最珍貴的發展優勢。





Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Facing history

    Any Asian visitor to World War II memorial sites in Germany may, intentionally or not, contrast the apologetic national attitude toward the war to the unapologetic stance of the Japanese government. I was not an exception.

    On my visit to this country for the first time, my teacher friends who were born some three to four decades after the fall of Nazi rule told me how they took their students to memorial sites every year to educate them about the painful lessons of history. Isn't it too heavy a subject for children? The history is sad, but our next generation must learn and face it, my friend said.

    After parting from my old and new friends in Hannover, I carried on my journey to Weimar. There I met a middle-age Japanese lady who had been living in Germany for years.

   We sat down in the comfortable café in our hostel, along with a fellow traveller from another part of Germany. From pleasantries to lighthearted chats about our travels. Then everybody turned sad when the discussion topic turned to where I was visiting next.

    Our young people do not know what our country did in the war, said the Japanese lady, bitterly. Our governments and schools never tell our students of the country’s past wrongdoing, and when they do talk about the war, they always talk about our nation as a victim in Nagasagi and Hiroshima, she told me.

    Are Asians, or at least Asian politicians, particularly bad at facing history? I asked myself.

    With this journey in mind, I found it particularly ironic for the new Chinese premier Li Keqiang to warn Japan against ‘denying history’ a week ahead of the 24th anniversary of the ‘turbulence between spring and summer in 1989’, when he talked on the historic Potsdam site on his German trip. Is his government facing history?

In the crematory of the former Buchenwald Concentration Camp